Wednesday, February 13, 2013

On Lent

Shirt: F21// Dress: Gap

I'm not Catholic. I'm not really labeled in my faith, actually. I went through a moment when I was 17 where I had as much of a melt down as a 17 year old white girl could have. The whole thing was wondering where I fit in. I'm not a hardcore religious person; I believe, I love going to [a good] church service, I read books about the subject(s), and I want to raise my kids in an environment that includes some of that. That said, a lot of things in our society are surrounded by labels, from the people we hang out with (especially at age 17) to the way we decide to spend our Saturday night. My faith should never cause me to melt down and turn a cold shoulder, isn't that exactly what it shouldn't do?! I talked to a few close friends regarding the subject, I spoke with a youth pastor, I went to a few different services from Catholic to Non-Denominational, a church that had played electric guitar, a church that didn't sing at all... I explored my options, the labels I could put on myself (and I'm still exploring those options). I found a home with a church in Nashville, TN. At the time I was in a LTR with a man there and was attending every Sunday. It was the church I wanted to wake up for, the stuff I liked learning about, not everyone had a mega cool haircut and I didn't feel pressured to lift my hands (though if you decide that, more power to ya). That's the place I want to be in my ~faith~ the idea that it's mine and one day it's my husbands to share, then my kids; it's not my hair cut, or a cool drum set.

Now that I went far too deep and skipped over the subject completely, I'm totally giving up sweets for Lent. 

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